A bittersweet show today everybody. Nomeansno has been around for more than 30 years, they're on a cross-Canada tour, and exhibit no signs of slowing down. C'mon toured relentlessly over the last nine years, but are calling it a day with one final flurry of activity over the next two weeks on their Climbing the Mountain tour. Long live Nomeansno! And fare thee well C'mon! I love you both so. You know that right? You've both been on the Breakfast Club. Remember that? Such special, special times for us. I'm planning to see you at least twice each over the next while. Why? Again, I love you. I. Love. You. On today's show, Tom Holliston of Nomeansno tells us why his band won't be stopped, and Ian Blurton explains why C'mon must bid us adieu.
Have you ever seen Nomeansno or C'mon? Any plans to do so soon? Is there any band/artist who could break your heart if they ceased all activity? What other local musical or arts events and/or festivals are you most looking forward to over the next while?