A good Wednesday to you.
Hell, a GREAT Wednesday to you! It is Hump Day, but since we're so close to the holidays, it's basically Friday, right?
Yes, as you can tell I'm rockin' it out pretty heavily today. Would you care to join me? Well, today would be the perfect day because it's time for Water Cooler Wednesday!! That very special day when my blog entry becomes a repository for your various and sundry and tangential and weird thoughts!
I will, as I so often do, seed the blog with possible topics, like:
:: Have you heard R3's new weekend programs?
:: Do you care about year-end lists?
:: Are you on this list?
:: Tom Cruise buys his wife a sewing machine
(I'm serious. That's a news headline.)
So there you have your subjects. But don't stick to them Do what you want. I'll be here, waiting patiently.