Did you make a New Year's Resolution for 2012? At the stroke of midnight did you swear you'd take a month off booze or play less video games? Maybe you promised yourself you'd wake up every day and run your ass around the block to get more exercise.
I promised myself I would eat less candy at work. Here's the problem the people at the office are really great and they bring in all sorts of delicious snacks and chocolates to share with the whole gang at CBC Radio. Cute huh. Cute until you find yourself snacking everyday on other peoples Chocolates!
So in 2012 I promised I would leave the treat table alone.
This week a co-worker dropped my desk to say hi, I pointed to the treat table and offered him a chocolate.
“No thanks” he said “gotta think about my New Year’s resolution. No bad snacks.”
I realised I had completely forgotten about my Resolution. I was literally chewing on a chocolate from the treat table as he spoke. I had just broken my resolution. I had gone to the table and stuffed a choc in my gob without even thinking about it. 4 days is all it took to shatter my resolution and only two of those were at work. Crap.
So today I'm asking if you have succumbed and broken your 2012 resolution. Today think of me as Oprah and get ready to share. Leave me a comment.
What was your resolution and how did you break that mother?