Are you ready for even MORE Joel Plaskett? Yes?* You heard him debut his latest song and chat with Craig Norris about it earlier... and now it's your chance to chat with Joel Plaskett about the Rock and Roll in Record Time project.
At 2pm ET/11am PT TODAY Joel Plaskett will be online and live in real time on Radio 2 and Radio 3 to chat with YOU so get your questions ready!
Also... yesterday it was reported that the CBC Record Libraries across the country will begin dismantling their massive physical collection of LPs, CDs, and other formats in favour of digitizing the library.
This brings us to our...
Poll Question of the Day:
Yes or no? If yes, what kind? Do you still have an LP and CD collection? How many CDs and LPs do you buy in a month? A year? If no, what happened to your physical collection? Is the downsizing and dismantling of the CBC Music Libraries inevitable?
Let us know your thoughts by commenting on our blog or emailing, or tweet us up @cbcradio3 and we'll share your comments throughout the show.
*No? How dare you?
Live chat below: