Here's the thing about Sundays - they come after Saturdays. It's not ideal. Then again, they also come before Mondays, so maybe we should count our blessings.
If you, like me, use Sundays as a day to sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing, then I salute you. I salute you even more if you actually do stuff on Sundays, but I'm also a little mad at you for making the rest of us look bad. Either way, today's edition of RADIOGRAHAM is jam packed with music to make your Sunday one for the ages.
As well, I'll talk about Rococode and their debut LP, The Sheepdogs and their crusin' ways, and I'll ring a bell sometimes. Seriously, I have a bell now, it's wonderful.
Follow along on the CBC Radio 3 Tumblr, where I'll be posting supplementary materials throughout the show!