Hump Day, yes. Water Cooler Wednesday, yes. But that's not all!
"Rock & Roll in Record Time" with The Joel Plaskett Emergency continues!
The JPE are working away on their new album, Scrappy Happiness, and they’ve set the lofty goal of producing one song per week – for ten straight weeks! CBC Radio 2 & 3 are giving you an exclusive, intimate front row seat!
Each and every Wednesday, between 11 am and noon, I've been chatting with Joel and he's been presenting the band’s latest song. Today, it's track number 5, "North Star", and it's available on itunes now!
You can also see photos and read blogs about the songwriting challenge, or chatlive with Joel!
Or, chat now with your fellow R3 listeners at The Water Cooler! Here are some topics that have caught my eye...perhaps they'll tickle your fancy!
:: Anyone still feel like talkin' 'bout Juno noms?
:: Annoying workplace phrases
:: Is it April 1st?
But you don't have to stick to those ones! Feel free to take off in new and beautiful directions!