Watch the BBC’s star-studded Diamond Jubilee concert, set against the spectacular backdrop of Buckingham Palace, celebrating Queen Elizabeth's 60-year reign. The concert took place Monday, June 4, in front of a crowd of 10,000 with an estimated 500,000 viewing the performance on giant screens in nearby parks.
Scroll down for an on-demand stream of the Diamond Jubilee concert.
“This is without a doubt the most ambitious single concert event the BBC has ever staged,” said Ben Weston, executive editor of the BBC's Diamond Jubilee coverage, in an interview with the Sunday Express. "It is three royal weddings back to back."
The concert features performances by some of the biggest names in music, including Shirley Bassey, Renée Fleming, Elton John, Tom Jones, Lang Lang, Annie Lennox, Madness, Paul McCartney, Kylie Minogue, Cliff Richard, Ed Sheeran and Stevie Wonder.
Click the image at the top of this post to view a gallery of photos from the event.
CBC Music's Diamond Jubilee concert primer
Queen's jubilee concert rocks Buckingham Palace
CBC News special report: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee
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