CHART #303
Check out this week's edition of the chart as a handy dandy playlist.
As I stand on the threshold of my summer holidays, I am heartened by the fact that you all voted on what my vacation playlist should be. Rest assured, it will be utilized and appreciated.
Not just by me, either. As you'll hear on today's show, my daughter, Abby, will also be enjoying the playlist. Over and over and over. Truth be told, I miscalculated when my holidays were to begin, so I had to bring Abby to work with me.
VAYPLAYLISTListen and share the playlist that you created for me. You can almost feel the sun.
For the next two weeks only, The R3-30 will debut Fridays @ 4pm ET with guest host, Lana Gay! I'll see you all in a couple of weeks!