How are you feeling today? Did you stay up late/ wake up early to watch Adam van Koeverden win a silver medal? Were you in your pajamas eating watermelon and screaming at the TV (multitasking, really) at 1:40am? I sure was. Watching the three and a half minute race seemed like the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee. I couldn’t sleep. Was up until 3:30am. At one point I actually got out of bed and started to organize my CD collection, which is a constant battle.
One thing you might not know is that Adam van Koeverden is a huge indie music fan. He hosted out Athlete's Series Podcast #1, was our fitness expert on the Sweatin’ To The Indies 4: The World Sporting Event Edition.
Today is a straight up show, no question really, but should you need some things to gab about:
Top 100 unintentionally lewd comic book panels of all time!
Zach Galifianakis, video star.
The forthcoming Jack Layton movie with star Rick Roberts and Sook-Yin Lee.
The origin of Elvis Costello's "Alison." (Costello had a hard time letting go of his data entry job!)
Watch Austra debut “Painful Like” live!
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