At this point, we're well into the age of special edition releases. In an era of diminishing record sales, bands are appealing to collectors and super fans by any means necessary, offering all kinds of bells and whistles in place of the usual CD or LP release. Sure, it reeks a bit of desperation, but at its best it also results in unique and creative offerings that reward fans for their devotion (not to mention their spending).
A tougher nut to crack is the slightly newer phenomenon of special concert ticket packages. Now, instead of simply buying a ticket and going to the show, fans are treated to all manner of special deals: "free" downloads, records, shirts, meet and greets, the list goes on and on. I put free in quotations because, of course, the extra perks are reflected in a higher charge for the ticket itself.
So the question is, both literally and figuratively, do you buy it? Are you willing to shell out some extra sheckels for an autograph, or access to a soundcheck? Or do you prefer to save that extra money for drinks? Just how far can bands go in their quest to remain solvent, anyway?