Shawnee She King wasn’t old enough to enjoy the rise of Canadian pop music in the '80s. But that hasn’t stopped her from writing and learning from a couple of the most popular musicians of that era: Alan Frew of Glass Tiger and Gordon Deppe from Spoons.
And now the young Mohawk woman is touring with Glass Tiger, whose "Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone)" reached the Top 10 in 1986, and Roxette, the Swedish duo who found international success with their album Look Sharp! She King is a special guest of Glass Tiger, providing supporting vocals.
CBC Music talked to She King about this latest opportunity in her music career.
Q. How did this come about?
A. Alan Frew, the lead singer of Glass Tiger, heard my music about a year ago and has been involved in my career ever since. I have had amazing opportunities with both Glass Tiger and Alan. You can hear my voice featured in two songs on Glass Tiger's just released album Then…NOW…Next.
Q. These two groups were huge in the '80s. What do you think about being on the same stage with them?
A. I’m pumped about the tour. I mean I’ve been on my own tours, but this is a whole new world and level for me. It’s just in my nature to grab the bull and seize the moment. I plan to educate myself and learn as much as I can. ... I’m really looking forward to the opportunity of sharing the stage with some of music's very best.
Q. Will these be some of the biggest venues you've played?
A. I have had amazing opportunities and have performed at some really great places, but as far as the venues for this tour go, this will be the highest attendance I have performed in front of so far.
Q. How do you prepare for this?
A. I have been preparing for this my whole life ... . All of the training, hard work, blood, sweat and tears are all coming together in a form of success. I'm on cloud nine and the best part is that it seems to just get rougher and tougher as far as preparing goes. There's rehearsals and vocal training, there's physical training and not to mention preparing for the release for my own debut single ["Im Not Ok"]. This all happened to boom at the same time, so my days are booked solid and it's a great pace for me.
Q. Were you a fan of both bands' music before this opportunity came along, or did you have to familiarize yourself with their music?
A. I did not have the pleasure of riding the Glass Tiger and Roxette wave. I missed the golden years of great music.
Q. What is the one thing that has happened in your life that you think has helped you prepare for this opportunity?
A. Everything in my life has helped prepare me for this. The good, the bad and the ugly [have] all built my backbone and I feel completely ready and steady.
Q. What is the highlight so far?
A. The tour is amazing. We have hit Ottawa and Montreal and Toronto, [and we're] going out West this week. The concerts are packed with eager fans. The highlight so far is having the opportunity to meet new fans and different people and getting the chance to tell them about my music and new single.
Take a listen to Shawnee's single now.
"I'm not Ok," Shawnee She King