Welcome to December, the sneakiest and most slippery of all months. The month that somehow always seems to get away... then, poof, a new year. The month that leaves you wondering, "What just happened"?
As quick and whimsical and time consuming December can be, I try to take time away from the month's hustle & bustle to compose all my year end musical thoughts and reflect on favourites. It's what a music nerd, like myself, does. I like to collect a handful of close friends and compare notes and share lists (just in case I missed something really really good). Fun times!
During the initial stages in what I like to refer to as, Reflection Month, I couldn't help but realize the long list of musical discoveries I've made over recent years on CBC Radio 3. It's easy to forget how many great independent Canadian artists are represented here on the site alone. In today's show I'll play some of my favourite Radio 3 discoveries in the last couple years. Artists such as Braids, Austra, Memphis and more!