It's Hired Gun Lisa Christiansen here for some Friday fun. But don't despair, Grant Lawrence will be calling in from the Okanagan this afternoon to fill us in on the #1 event below.
- Western Canadian Music Awards and Breakout West 2010 – Kelowna, BC. Lots of shows and a gala hosted by our own Grant Lawrence.
- Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS – lots of bands and a live concert hosted by our own Craig Norris.
- Young Galaxy, Toronto, ON. The Vancouver/Montreal band play the granddaddy of all venues – Massey Hall.
- C’Mon, Huron, Burning Love @ Plan B - Moncton, New Brunswick. Now that’s a riff-alicious bill.
- CMJ Music Marathon – New York, NY. Lots of our fine Canadian bands hoping to prove the “if you can make it there…”
But before you get to the weekend, something fun to ponder….
Not so long ago I lamented there weren’t any lists to argue about. And as if hearing my plea, the National Post put out a good one: "The Top 10 Rappers in Canada.” At #1 – Shad.
This list was inspired by another list from BET (Black Entertainment Television)‘s own list that put Eminem out on top.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS TOP 10 RAPPERS LIST? Would you change the order? Nominate any other MCs?