Each day, Radio 2 Morning starts your day with music and stories about the interesting things going on in the world. Now, you can follow along at home. Here are the stories we're talking about today.
We say goodbye to Stompin' Tom Connors.
Stompin' Tom Connors' final letter to his fans.
Check out the new online channel ALL NUMBER 1's.
How to prepare your body for Daylight Savings.
Toronto is now the 4th largest city in North America. Coming it at number 1 ... New Mexico!
Check out the show Radio 2 Top 20, your votes count!
"Literally" gets a new definition in the dictionary. Literally.
Come hang out with us on facebook. Lots of fun videos, stories and it's a great place for us to hear from you.
We'd love to hear your comments on any of these stories. Leave 'em below.