It's International Women's Day!
Take a moment to think about the wonderful women in your life- your friends, your family... and your favourite musicians.
And in the Canadian indie music scene, we're so lucky to have SO MANY incredible women making music.
And I hate to be the one to rain on the parade...
There is still a lot of work to be done.
Just take a look at this quote from Becky Black of female rock duo Pack A.D.:
“We didn’t realize how sexist the world was until we were doing this. Our genre is not just rock and roll; it’s girl rock and roll. We get asked questions like how does it feel being a woman in a rock band and it’s like I think it probably feels the same as being a male in a rock band. I don’t know why you have to distinguish it.”
So why are female musicians still looked at as an oddity? Why is a band of dudes just a "band," while a band of females is a "girl band"? Do you think people think it's "gimmicky" when a band has one female member? Does it depend on her instrument?
Although things are definitely on the upswing, women in music still face discrimination. Have you ever experienced it? What still needs to change?