Musicians of all genres are creating artist pages on CBC Music, including artists from diverse backgrounds and cultures. So take a trip around the world with five Canadian musicians and groups who have created their own CBC Music pages. And if these thumbnail sketches aren't enough for you, find out even more about them and hear more music by clicking on their names to access their artist pages.
Born/raised/based: India/Canada/New York.
Juno win in: 2003 (for the album Beyond Boundaries).
Latest collaboration with: Tinariwen (Malian desert-blues band).
Inspiration drawn from: Persian and Punjabi ghazals (poems).
On tour: her greatest fear of performing in Mali was not for her safety — read her artist page blog to find out what it was.
KiranListen to Kiran Ahluwalia's "Mustt Mustt."
Founded in: 2010.
Performs traditional music of: Zimbabwe.
Based in: Vancouver.
Instruments used: mbira, hosho, ngoma, Zimbabwean marimba (learn about the instruments on the trio's artist page).
Did you know? Zhambai means "scream" in the Zimbabwean Shona language.
trioListen to Zhambai Trio's "Mabvuku Tafara."
Born: Madagascar.
Performs: with his five-piece band on tour and in his home base, Toronto.
Juno win in: 2005.
Sings in: Malagasy (native language of Madagascar).
When he was younger: Roberts was the first black VJ on MTV Russia (while living in Moscow).
DonneListen to Donné Roberts's "Ela Bé!"
Based in: Galiano Island, B.C.
Genres: Latin, jazz, pop, Celtic, classical, folk.
Albums Released: 13.
Units sold: more than 400,000.
Versatility: is equally comfortable performing in concert halls, bars/clubs, on ferry boats and at weddings.
BradListen to Brad Prevedoros's "Firedance."
Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars
Formed: 1997, in Guinean refugee camps across the border from Sierra Leone.
Originally from: Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Debut recording:Living like a Refugee (2006).
Current status: worldwide critical acclaim, touring, recording projects.
Languages used on their latest release: five.
RefugeeListen to the Refugee All Stars' "Big Fat Dog."
A CBC Music artist page is a musician's online portal to Canada’s vast and diverse musical community. It's a multifaceted tool for self-promotion that musicians, no matter what the genre, can use to showcase their valuable contributions to Canada's cultural landscape.
Are you a musician? Create your own artist page here. Are you a world music fan? Click artist pages then search "world" to access all the world music pages at CBC Music.
Jesse Cook's CBC Music artist page