CHART #666
Actually, it's CHART #215, but that is just to prepare you for the all-consuming horror that you are about to experience.
Oh, we're counting down the chart, sure. Diamond Rings will answer one of your R3-30 Questions, and Chris Burland from Chartattack will be by with a ChartattackWayBackTrack. While that all sounds scary enough, there's more.
I have two questions that you need to answer before you dare to listen to this week's show:
1) Do I have any pre-existing coronary conditions?
2) Are the pants* I'm wearing machine washable?
*Also applies to a dress, shorts, skirt, track pants, skort, jorts, jodpurs, capris, culottes, gauchos, a swimsuit, etc.
So now, if you still really want to listen...if you think that you can handle what's about to ensue...if you've signed the correct waivers, and heeded my warnings...let's get on with the show...but you've been warned!!!
Fridays, 8am-11am Pacific