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The Searchlight Top 8 acts have been revealed... which means it's now time for you to vote to send your favourites to the Top 4! You can vote daily for your top picks in all four regional showdowns until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Browse our slideshow above to learn more about each contender, or stream our "Top 8" playlist below:
Click here to listen to the Searchlight Top 8 playlist
Hamilton vs. Kitchener-Waterloo
Poor Angus, "Something I Can't See" (Hamilton, Ont.)
Ambre McLean, "So Over" (Guelph, Ont.)
Saskatoon vs. St. John's
Close Talker, "By The Lake" (Saskatoon, Sask.)
Sherman Downey and the Ambiguous Case, "Thick as Thieves" (Corner Brook, Nfld.)
Vancouver vs. Ottawa
Absolute Forever, "Moon Music" (Vancouver, B.C.)
Henry Norwood, "Another Bottle Another Day" (Perth, Ont.)
Winnipeg vs. Kelowna
Elton Adams, "Gunslinger" (Winnipeg, Man.)
The Good Ol' Goats, "The Train" (Cranbrook, B.C.)