Have you ever looked around and felt like everyone has some kind of grand master plan in life while you don’t have a clue what’s even around the corner? All your friends are standing on their own two feet--have been for years--while you’re still stumbling around, disoriented, maybe even a little drunk?
If you’ve ever felt like that, you should know that you have something to be proud of--you’re famous! Just think about all the songs that have been written about you, the one who can’t get it together, the one who tells his lover that he’s gonna shape up but then fails miserably as expected, despite his best efforts.
Of course, by morning you're kicked out on the street where you belong and told to never come back. But, as you’re lying there, face down on the concrete, you can be certain there’s a songwriter close by with a pen, paper and an acoustic guitar who is going immortalize you in song. Stay there. Don't move.
You think songwriters are writing songs about the guy with the master plan? Hardly. Wishing you had a master plan, now that's much better than actually formulating one--that is, if you want a career as a songwriter's subject.
listenIn Portage and Main's “Better Man," the narrator wishes to change his ways, but you just know it's never going to happen for him--he'll fall down the same old rabbit hole again and again and that's why we like him. If he didn't, we wouldn't have a song now would we?
Happy Easter, everyone. I hope you're enjoying an eggs-emplary long weekend.