Look around you.
Is your desk, home, car, or office space spotless, moderately messy, or a downright dump?
Your answer to that question will often explain your personality type.
Apparently, you music fans are a messy bunch: you collector records, CDs, posters, t-shirts and souvenirs which you hang on to for a long, long time. No joke! I know you're out there!
Today, I'll let you know what type of clutter is good, what type is bad, and what it might say about your personality.
So... do you live in a world of clutter, musically or otherwise? Are you... a hoarder or any particular thing?
Let me know by commenting on our blog, emailing grant.lawrence@cbc.ca, or tweet me up @grantlawrence. Listen to the stories, music and conversation today on CBC Radio 3 with Grant Lawrence, noon ET / 9am PT.