[Emma is filling in for Grant Lawrence today, who is continuing his work on Searchlight]
Seeing locations in band names is nothing new. Especially for Canadian acts - consider Yukon Blonde, like the territory. Or Bruce Peninsula, near Georgian Bay in Ontario. Or better yet, the warm and sunny Bahamas:
Ah, doesn't "Bahamas" sound so exotic, during this (hopefully) last cold snap of early spring? Although... exotic places don't always have to be warm, right? I mean, Greenland sounds pretty exotic. Can you say you've ever been to Greenland? Probably not.
Or, sorry - Groenland, as per the Danish pronunciation, and the preferred spelling of Montreal band Groenland. I've certainly never been there, and listening to these guys, my curiosity is definitely piqued.
If you were going to name your band after a place, where would you choose? A patriotic provincial reference, perhaps? A dream destination? Share in the comments below!