The Searchlight Final 4 have been revealed, which means it's now time for you to vote to send your favourites on to the finals! You can vote daily for your top picks in both regional showdowns until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Browse our slideshow above to learn more about each semifinalist, and click below to stream our Top 24 playlist of the Searchlight national finalists.
listenSearchlight Top 24 playlist.
The semifinal matchups are:
Hamilton vs. St. John's
- Poor Angus, "Something I Can't See" (Hamilton, Ont.)
- Sherman Downey and the Ambiguous Case, "Thick as Thieves" (Corner Brook, Nfld.)
Kelowna vs. Ottawa
- The Good Ol' Goats, "The Train" (Cranbrook, B.C.)
- Henry Norwood, "Another Bottle Another Day" (Perth, Ont.)
This blog post will be Radio 3's editorial focus for the day. Our hosts Lana Gay, Emma Godmere and Odario Williams will play all four of the finalists. You'll also get to hear what's been the most amazing thing to happen to a couple of them since Searchlight started.
So we want to know: what are your Searchlight surprises?