Good morning and welcome to (insert your home town here)! Jay Ferguson of Halifax, Nova Scotia's Sloan here with you today.
I'm curious, have you visited your home town recently? Or perhaps you still live where you were born?
While out at the Halifax Pop Explosion in my home town a couple weeks back, our band was filming a number of little interview/video clips at 'historically Sloan-centric' locations for us to use for our 20th anniversary next year. Something we realised was how much our home town has changed over the years and how many places we used to hang out/work/play are completely gone now. Some for better, some for worse.
How has your home town changed over the years? Are the places that you loved as a kid or teen been replaced? Is there something better in their place... something more useful to you now?
But crucially, and most importantly... does Bud The Spud still park his french fry truck out front of the library on Spring Garden Rd in the summer?!?!
Photo by Space Ritual