UPDATE: Listen to the complete interview with Scott Jacobson
There has been a lot of discussion over the Sexiest Artist Bucky nominees this year. Apparently ‘sexy’ is something that is hard to define. I find the whole thing very funny.
So today, your Sexiest Artist Bucky predictions! With the short list not out until Monday and the winner announcement a month away, you must rely on your gut instinct and degree of attraction based on mere photos and concerts alone!
Post your comments on the blog, email feedback@cbcradio3.com or tweet @CBCRadio3 If you are correct, you could win a CBCR3 prize pack with sexy albums! And lets not forget, bragging rights!
Coming up an interview with Scott Jacobson, co-author of Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk. As a founding member of The Association for the Betterment of Sex (and award winning comedy writer) surely he will shed some light on sexy, sexiness.