Every weekday until the end of Bucky Short List voting (November 28th at midnight EST), we will be profiling a different category in the Bucky Awards.
Since today is Monday, the sexiest day of the week, let’s focus on Sexiest Artist. Here are your finalists:
This award was originally called Sexiest Musician, and it dates back to the first Bucky Awards in 2006, when it was won by Emily Haines. The following year, it was won by Peter Elkas, the only male nominee to ever win it. The Sexiest Musician Bucky has since been won by Laura Barrett and Béatrice Martin of Coeur de pirate.
This year, you’ll notice the name of the award has been slightly altered. It is now Sexiest Artist. What does this mean? It means you need to consider the whole band when you vote. Entire bands can be sexy. Or maybe one band member is so sexy that it doesn’t matter if his or her bandmates are schlubby. Of course, you’re still welcome to vote for one of the solo performers who are nominated. Just follow your heart... your sexy, sexy heart.