The What'cha Readin' Book Club continues to delve into Listen to This, the new compendium of pieces by noted music writer, Alex Ross (that's him in that picture up there). Alex will be on the show later this month to answer your questions about his writing so, if you have any, please post them below! Oh, and once again, I have five copies of this book to give away on today's show!
I'm currently in the midst of a Listen to This piece on Mozart, so only about 70 pages in. I must say, I've found the book to be something of a dense read, with sudden moments of complete clarity and comprehension. A player himself, Ross really gets into the mechanics of music and I learned something about myself reading the second 'chapter,' "Chacona, Lamento, Walking Blues: Bass Lines of Music History." I don't read music so his various notation charts didn't illuminate his discussion of the emotive significance of bass lines in classical music compositions and opera for me. But his segue from lamento to the blues (a form I know much more intimately) brought it all together and I suddenly found it completely compelling. Ever since, I've been eager to see what other interconnected paths Ross takes us down; my interest and appreciation have been piqued.
Okay, I have five copies of Listen to This to give away on today's show! I'll be asking questions on the air and the first people to answer them correctly on the blog, win! You just have to listen to this to win! Hey, I'm recycling jokes over here.
Hey, did you win a copy of Listen to This today? Well then, please e-mail vish_khanna [at] with "Eh, I gotcha Lamento right over here!" in the subject line, and your blog moniker and shipping address in your message.
Are you a fan or follower of Alex Ross? Did you come across his last book? Any specific questions for him yet? Otherwise, what'cha readin'?