I'm pleased to tell you that the Q & Hopefully A segment is changing. As you may recall, I used to ask you for questions you wanted answered by musicians who then appeared on the show to speak to your queries. Well, from now on, I'd like you to direct your questions to me. You see, I've lived a good, full life and I've learned some pretty important things. And it's time for me to pass the savings and knowledge on to you, my faithful listeners. So, if you need advice--music-related or otherwise--please post your questions below or, if you require more anonymity, e-mail them to vish_khanna [at] cbcradio3 [dot] com and I will answer them for you next week. With full discretion.
What do you think of the new direction for this segment? Pretty edgy, huh? Do you need advice from me? Please lemme know. I can help you. But accept no responsibility if I don't.