A-Trak @atrak: [PHOTOS] Holy Ship photos, ahoy matey on.fb.me/zK4QSp
Snailhouse @snailhouse : I making the musical equivalent of cave paintings. And I like it.
The Mountains & the Trees @mtnsandthetrees: Video: Hilarious and… true? tmblr.co/ZTDq_xEiYirf
The Acorn @theacorn: Before you hit Kitchen Party or the Matt Rosen/Adam Saikaley show at Raw Sugar tonight, come get your video on at... fb.me/1oWXNHFDm
Skratch Bastid @SkratchBastid: Not many things more unexpected than seeing Maseo from De La Soul on your flight from Vancouver to Cranbrook.
The Mark Inside @themarkinside: It's Friday the 13th, and that can mean only one thing: Nightmare On Elm Street movie marathon tonight! Whoo! #luck #fear #death
Buck 65 @Buck65: Pretty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6DoClq5gPxU
Young Rival @youngrival: Toronto! Cmon down to this party with us and Dinosaur Bones - FEB 2nd!... fb.me/Xd5gWInI