Bidiniband drops its new album In The Rock Hall tomorrow, and Dave Bidini himself took some time to let us in on what inspired the work, his upcoming projects, and what music he's really into right now.
A lot of your songs cross over into other projects that you have done, “Take a Wild Ride”, is from a teenage animation series written by you, “Why Zeke Roberts Died” is from your experience at a refugee camp in Ghana., what life experiences can we expect on your new album “In the Rock Hall”?
Well, I actually really tried to get away from narrative stuff on this album. I wanted to write "straight" a little more, a little dumber in the best possible sense. More stuff is disguised here by sonics and just the attack of the band, rather than spelling out themes and ideas and answers through the lyrics. It was good to get away from direct lyricism for a change, although, like any art, the songs come from personal experience. But more gut-direct music here. Less, world-absorbed sounds and songs, I guess.
Any personal highlights for the new album, In The Rock Hall?
Well, any creative achievement is a highlight, I think, more so the longer one makes art. But the highlight for me was in making this record sound and feel the way it does when this band plays live, without it being too scratchy and rough. The drums and guitar explode out of the speakers, but they come at you with velvet gloves, I think, which is largely the genius of mixer Michael Phillip Wojewoda and the control of the band. For the past 2 years, we played in very small places, so we had to learn how to massage the hugeness just so. I think that big/small aesthetic is captured here.
Based on your usual speed, what are your plans for the next album or book?
I have a quasi-travel book planned, but it's a longterm project that won't come out until fall, 2013. It's called "Eat, Pray, Leafs," and it's about loss and losing and faith and devotion. I'd also like to do a full on country/swing record at some point. But the band's direction will inform any of those moves.
The first book you wrote On a Cold Road is being defended by Stacey McKenzie for Canada Reads 2012. The book was published almost 14 years ago telling the tale of what it’s like for a rock band to be on tour in Canada, what has changed for Canadian musicians since then?
Everything and nothing, I think. It's possible for strange, great bands to find audiences now, whereas, in 1980-- our first gig-- jerks beat you up if you wore a goofy band pin or had a funny haircut. By the same token, most cities across Canada are still 7 hours away from each other. Commercial radio, I think, has suffered. And clubs are still clubs are still clubs.
Who are 5 Toronto artists that you are into right now?
Bruce Peninsula, Selina Martin, The Billie Hollies, Eamon McGrath, and I really like the new Plants and Animals' track, altho they're from MTL.
Any live shows you’ve been to recently that have rocked your world?
One of the problems with writing 3 columns a week and making records and writing books and travelling and having a family bla bla is that I don't see as much live music as I should. That said, I just got back from Brisbane, where I saw And You Will Know Us... and Big Boi and Invisible Cities all within a few days of each other. When I'm away, I try to do what I can't do at home.
What albums are you looking forward to in 2012?
There's the lost Captain Beefheart record that I'm gonna review and the Great Lake Swimmers just recorded where we did, at Revolution, so that should be great to hear. Also: RUSH. I think this is going to end being their great "later" period record.
Video: Dave Bidini at the launch of his 10th book Writing Gordon Lightfoot singing his song "Desert Island Poem" on Fri Nov 25 2011.