We've all done it, right? Been singing out loud and strong to our favourite song when the room erupts in laughter because you just sung the wrong words!
Today, on The Craig Norris Hour's Monday Music Meld we celebrate those blushy moments as you admit to the world that you may not have heard what you thought you heard!
Listen for mis-heard lyric picks from left and leaving, maattt, loweeda, CDNz1, MikeV, taggy666, tb3, EP, Shonica, cathyort, slkdsb, Christine McAvoy, zammachus, daa1982, marie_curious, Gibsonguitarist77, krib, dawn.h, guymoody, StephRamsahai, rawr, and darbarspecial!
Next Monday, there won't be a Music Meld!
Instead, I'll have a very special co-host: John K. Samson! We'll be listening to (and chatting in-depth about) his new record, Provincial.