A hale and hearty Hump Day to you!
I hope this day finds you well and that you are ready for some lively discussion on today's program show!
Every Wednesday, I turn this blog entry into a Water Cooler around which we gather and chat. Some of the topics could be...
:: Anonymous launches Anontune, a social music service
:: Bernie Finkelstein is Canadian music history in the flesh
:: Legal sex change doesn't require surgery, tribunal says
:: What would top your list of awesome things?
But they don't have to be the centre of our conversation! Feel free to take it off in new and beautiful directions.
And later on in the show, I'll be joined by Camouflage Nights for a chat about their self-titled Feature Album Of The Week!
The Craig Norris Hour airs Monday to Thursday, 8am ET/5am PT & 8pm ET/5pm PT.