To celebrate his 25th season as host of A Propos on CBC Radio, host Jim Corcoran picked 10 essential songs written in the past 25 years and then asked 10 of his favourite songwriters and singers to revisit and re-record those songs just for A Propos.
“I impulsively, arbitrarily and subjectively chose 10 songs from among the many essential songs,” Corcoran admits.
Here are the beautifully crafted, personal, timeless and inspired songs that he feels could do with a little bit more love.
1. “L’amour est sans pitié” by Jean Leloup.
2. “Poussière d’or” by Jérôme Minière.
3. “Pas de mots” by Geneviève Paris.
4. “Le répondeur” by Les colocs.
5. “Intouchable et immortel” by Daniel Bélanger.
6. “Moi-Léger” by Karkwa.
7. “Les aurores” by Mara Tremblay.
8. “Jenny” by Richard Desjardins.
9. “Si fragile” by Luc De Larochellière.
10. “La confession” by Lhasa.
ListenListen to Jim Corcoran presenting these essential songs in their original versions on A Propos.
Discover who was chosen to cover these songs over the next four weeks. All through the month of April, the exclusive new versions of these superb songs performed by great artists from Quebec will be featured on A Propos, and you will also be able to watch the performances on CBC Music.