On the What'cha Readin' Book Club this week, I'm looking for questions about Listen to This, the new compendium of articles by acclaimed music writer, Alex Ross. He's due to be on this very show next week so, if you have any questions about his writing, please post them below! Beyond that, I'm hoping we can discuss a book that enabled me to finish a contextual biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in one chapter, and immediately begin a similarly structured examination of Radiohead (who, unlike that "super busy" Mozart, granted Ross close access and interviews). And we don't have to limit it to the blog. If you wanna chat with me on the show about your thoughts regarding Listen to This, e-mail your phone number to vish_khanna [at] cbcradio3.com, and then sit by your phone and wait for me to call. I might just do it. Okay?
Are you a fan or follower of Alex Ross? Did you come across his last book? Any specific questions for him about Listen to This? Do you wanna chat with me about this book on my show today or even next week? Otherwise, what'cha readin'?