If you go on Facebook right now, you'll probably see that your friends have started posting photos of their vacations. This is just about the time of year when people start to head south to Jamaica... or Cuba... or Florida...etc.
And you know what? That's great... for them... but maybe you don't want to SEE their photos because you don't get to GO on an all-inclusive vacation! You're stuck here, in the cold November weather, wearing your winter coat like a CHUMP!
But you know what you can do? You can have a stay-cation. With me. Right now. Maybe put on a bathing suit... or just a sunhat... or just wrap your bath towel around your waist. Get a fun bendy straw and put it into your cup of orange juice! We're almost there - now we just need some tunes!
What music do you listen to when you want to escape?What makes you feel like you're on vacation?