Each day, Radio 2 Morning starts your day with music and stories about the interesting things going on in the world. Now, you can follow along at home. Here are the stories we're talking about today.
Using social media at work might actually make you a better worker. And companies who encourage social media in the workplace might keep their employees longer.
Check out the show Radio 2 Top 20, your votes count!
Watch those best before dates. Especially if they keep changing!
A list of everyday household items and their various uses. You could be the hero at your house.
Bad dates happen all the time. This one was caught on camera at the Blue Jays home opener. Ouch.
Join our search for Canada's next best artist. CBC MUSIC'S SEARCHLIGHT.
Would you try salt made from actual tears? Tears of sorrow, tears from chopping an onion, tears of joy. They all taste different.
Go on, get away from it all. A Dutch reality TV show offers a one-way trip to Mars.
Come hang out with us on facebook. Lots of fun videos, stories and it's a great place for us to hear from you.
We'd love to hear your comments on any of these stories. Leave 'em below.